

10986461_1060676027279996_6015003944049166895_nOur worship meetings are open to anyone – you don’t have to be a member or wear a uniform to participate.  You will receive a warm welcome whatever you’re wearing!

While you do not have to be a member of The Salvation Army to attend worship meetings, or to receive practical help and support, there are different ways of making a commitment through the church.  If you want to know more about membership of The Salvation Army do not hesitate to ask.





One way to be a member is to become a soldier.

This is a voluntary personal commitment arising from a spiritual conviction. You will be invited to attend classes to explore the beliefs and practices of The Salvation Army, which will include exploration of your spiritual experience and the way in which this impacts on your lifestyle choices.

When a Salvation Army soldier is enrolled – officially joins the church – they publically demonstrate their decision by signing and adhering to the soldier’s covenant. Soldiers make a choice whether to wear the uniform or not based on their personal convictions.




meeting break

Adherent members do not wear the uniform but are committed to The Salvation Army as their church and, as such, can identify themselves as members of The Salvation Army. It is the opportunity to explore your faith and how you best express is.






Junior Soldiers



Children can also make a voluntary personal commitment to serve God through The Salvation Army, too. Through junior soldier classes, children can learn about God and make their own commitment to explore their spiritual experience and the impact it can make on their life choices.

In a public ceremony, they will sign the junior soldier’s promise to become a junior soldier member of The Salvation Army. Whether they wear the junior soldier’s uniform or not is up to them.




Salvation Army Officers


Salvation Army churches are led by officers (ministers).

All officers are soldiers who feel they have been called by God into ministry through The Salvation Army.

They then begin the process of becoming a Salvation Army officer.

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