Prayer is a vital part of every Christian’s life. It is the way we communicate with God and how we build a stronger relationship with him. Prayer forms an essential part of a Salvation Army meeting and in the devotional life of the Salvationist. In fact we always pray in all our activities during the week, as well as on a Sunday and individual Salvationists will spend time in prayer each day. In common with all other Salvation Army worship halls, central to our main hall is The Mercy Seat – a wooden bench sometimes known as ‘the place of prayer’ and can provide a helpful focus, although prayer can happen anywhere and at anytime
Our commitment to prayer is strengthened by our small groups who meet regularly to pray and study the Bible. We also have a ‘Prayer Requests’ box in the foyer of our building where anyone can place requests and a small group will commit to pray for this item. If you have a prayer request you can also email it to us.