
Employment Plus @ The Salvation Army Staple Hill
Feb 18 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

We are delighted to host Employment Plus every Tuesday during the day.
The Employment Plus service is all about helping people overcome barriers to become job-ready and stay in work.
If you want to find out more, why not pop in and have a chat with Tyrone to see how he can help.

You can also email him at:

Extra Slice Group F2F meeting
Feb 18 @ 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

“Extra Slice” Groups are our version of an informal bible group that meets either in person or on Zoom.
This ensures that those with busy lives can also participate.
This particular Tuesday group meets at 10:30am for coffee, and then kicks off at 11, finishing at 12.
Each group has between 10-15 people, and it’s a great way to discuss topics coming out of the Sunday Bible passage and sermon.
These groups grew in popularity during the COVID lockdowns and are now a big part of our church life.
If you’re interested in joining one of these groups, get in touch via the email link.

Open doors ‘drop in’ @ The Salvation Army Staple Hill
Feb 18 @ 12:00 pm – 2:30 pm

If you are tired of staring at a laptop all day long, if you need a break from your home or just want some company, then this is for you!!.

We’ll be delighted to welcome you and have a chat around a cuppa.

Our “Warm Welcome” programme in 2023 was so popular, that we decided to make it a permanent feature, for anyone, young and old, just to come, meet people, ‘work from not your home’ if you want…. would be just great to see you.

As an added bonus, on Tuesdays we have Soup available as well as tea and coffee!

See you soon!

Young Peoples Band rehearsal @ The Salvation Army
Feb 18 @ 6:15 pm – 7:00 pm

Our Young peoples (junior) brass band is for ages 7-18.

We have an acting learners group, consisting of children eager to play, being taught in group sessions by ‘seasoned’ senior bandsmen.

If you’d like your child to learn to play an instrument, then get in touch via the email link.

Singing Company (junior choir) rehearsal @ The Salvation Army
Feb 18 @ 7:00 pm – 7:45 pm

Our junior choir is for ages 7-18, and in the Salvation Army is known as The Singing Company.

If you’re interested in your child learning to sing in a church choir, then get in touch via the email link.


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